HIGHLIGHTS: Bring Your Dad to School Day!
During November, in collaboration with Centers for New Horizons, the UIC Center for Literacy DRD Male Involvement program was able to facilitate “Bring Your Dad to School Day” events. The events took place at three different sites: Altgeld, Dawson, & Effie O Ellis. The goal was to promote Male involvement within the community and increase fathers’ awareness of the importance of their presence in their child’s educational development. During the events, fathers were able to fellowship and enjoy breakfast with other active fathers. The dads discussed what it means to be a father and why it is important to be involved in conversations about fatherhood.
The fathers also participated in a UIC FLAME training: “Creating Home Literacy Centers.” They learned and shared strategies on how to build Home Literacy Centers. Basic Home Literacy Center assembly was demonstrated. Dads worked on activities to engage their children such as creating Thanksgiving turkeys using paint, crayons, markers, glue and other materials. As we know, some of the best art is created by early learning students.
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“I just want to hug your shoulder right now dad. We will do literacy activities later.”
“Parent and Child Together (PACT) Time” encourages you to follow your child’s lead. Good going dad!