Repping CFL in San Diego!
Martin Rabotti, Lead Instructor, and Megan Wells, Bilingual Literacy & Adult Diploma Manager, presented the Our City Our Museum project to a national audience at the bi-annual ProLiteracy Conference held in San Diego this September. More than 30 attendees from around the United States as well as international participants were present. One person was from Australia! The engaging session included helping attendees come up with a meaningful artifact and consider how they might bring the spirit of the project back to their literacy work. We also shared lessons learned, insights in building community partnerships, developing a social media presence for student-driven projects. Martin and Megan would like to thank Ruby and the entire CFL family for this opportunity to represent our work more broadly. Of note, one of the attendees was a representative of the Literacy Awards from the Library of Congress. Something to look into!
Submitted by Martin Rabotti and Megan Wells, ESL Lead and Program Supervisor