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[RCADD] No school? No problem!

No School? No problem!

Parents: We have plenty of structured learning activities for you to use with your child at home during this break.
Teachers: We have plenty of activities to stock up your classroom with in the fall!


Adapted Books

For children with autism and developmental delays, adapted books help with comprehension  and engagement. We have several ideas for adapted books at RCADD, and you also get the board book that goes with the adaptation. Check out our adapted version of Old Mac Donald and Grumpy Bird. Ask to see some of the other selections that we have. *limited, varies.

File Folders

Keep reinforcing math, literacy, and life skills this summer with file folder activities. We have plenty of examples at our centers to give you some ideas!

Social Stories

Stay ahead of things this summer by using visual tools that help prepare your child or student for what to expect. Now is the time to start working on back to school social stories